
FAQ - Private Contest

  • Can a player join the contest that they created? Down Arrow
    • Yes, the player has the option to join the contest that they created.
    • Along with the option to join it through the invite link and code, they can also join it by clicking “Join this Contest” option on the invite page or by “Join” option present on the contest details page.
  • Who can host the private contest? Down Arrow

    Any user who has registered on either My11Circle or RummyCircle.

    Users need to have provided address details and must not belong to the restricted states.

  • How can a player host a private contest? Down Arrow
    • Eligible players need to go to the match for which they want to host the private contest.
    • They need to click on the “Private Contest” button shown on right side of the filter tags.
    • On the create Private contest page, players need to provide details for (default value is already there for the player's convenience)
      • Name of the contest 
      • No. of teams
      • Entry fee
      • No. of winners 
      • Multiple teams allowed.
  • How can a player share the private contest with their friends? Down Arrow
    • Once the private contest is created successfully, the user is redirected to the invite page.
    • On this page, they can see the option to share the invite code through different mediums such as Whatsapp, SMS or any other sharable medium (using “More” option).
    • They can share it on any medium they want to.
    • The player can also copy the link or the code and share it on any medium.
    • Players can invite their friend later as well, by going to the “My contest” section on the contest lobby for the match.
    • On this page, they can click on the “Invite” button on their private contest.
  • How can other players join a private contest? Down Arrow
    • Players can join a private contest only through the unique link or unique code that is created for every private contest.
    • It is the host’s responsibility/prerogative to share the link or invite code of the private contest.
    • Once a player gets the link or unique code (through any medium) they can click on the link
      • This will redirect them to the app showing the details of the match and the Private contest
      • Alternatively, they can copy the invite code and search with this code on the “Join Private Contest” page which can be accessed through the “More” section of the app.
    • They can join the private contest any time before the start of the match by paying the entry fee mentioned at the time of hosting the private contest.
      • This money will be deducted from their regular wallet (all checks and steps same as that for the regular contest)
    • There is no checks on who can or cannot join the private contest other than the checks applied on the joining of regular contest (state check, registered user, address details provided, cash added, etc.)
    • Once any player gets the link for the private contest, they can forward it to any of their contacts as well
      • On joining the private contest, they can also invite their contacts through in-app pages (as mentioned above for the host).
  • Can a player join the contest that they created? Down Arrow
    • Yes, the player has the option to join the contest that they created.
    • Along with the option to join it through the invite link and code, they can also join it by clicking “Join this Contest” option on the invite page or by “Join” option present on the contest details page.
  • Can a player share the private contest created by some other player? Down Arrow
    • Once any user gets the link for the private contest, they can forward it to any of their contacts as well.
    • On joining the private contest, they can also invite their contacts through in-app pages i.e. through the contest tile present under “My contest” .
  • Can a player join Private contest with multiple teams? Down Arrow
    • If at the time of the creation of the Private contest the player has allowed users to join with multiple teams, then the users can join it using multiple teams
    • A user can join a Private contest with a maximum of 50% of the max teams allowed or 9 teams, whichever is lower.
  • How will the prize be distributed for Private contest? Down Arrow
    • The prize structure for a private contest can be seen by the host at the time of the creation of private contest.
    • The actual prize money will depend on the number of teams that join the contest.
    • The prize redistribution logic for the private contest is the same as that for the regular contest.
  • When do the winning players get the prize for the private contest? Down Arrow

    Once the match for which the private contest is hosted and completed, the settlement for the private contest will happen.

    The actual prize for the private contest will be dependent on the number of teams that joined the private contest.

    If the match is abandoned for any reason, the private contest will also get abandoned.

    If less than 2 teams join the private contest, then the private contest will get abandoned.

    In the case of abandonment of the private contest, the users who joined the private contest will get their money back to their wallet and no prize distribution will happen.

  • Is BAF bonus applicable for Private contest? Down Arrow

    No, the player will not get BAF bonus for joining a cash private contest.

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